Social Media Good or Bad


On the very popular social media app called snapchat, people have the choice to do good or bad stuff on it. Also, snapchat can help because you can talk face to face on what you need help on or let one of your friends know if something is going on in life or if you don’t understand something in school you can ask your friends on snapchat to help you. that is why Social media is good and because of these 3 reasons. The first reason is social media reaches information faster. The second reason is social media allows for rapid communication during dangerous events. the last reason is corporations and small businesses use social media to help people.

   In the first place, social media help people reach information. According to Social networking, it states,” social media reaches information faster than any other media”. This means that instead of going on a television you can go on to your phone. For example, during the Las Vegas shooting people got information faster on their phones as it was happening. To elaborate on this is instead of having to watch the news and miss the important facts you can use your phone to check on the news.

the second reason why social media is good is because social media allows rapid communication during dangerous events. According to,” it states social media rapid communication during crisis events”. this means that if there was a killer or a kidnapper you are able to spread the word. For example, the ISIS terrorist would kill anybody who was smoking a cigarette. To elaborate on this is if one was taken/ kidnapped then the news would get out.

 The last reason why social media is good is because corporations and small businesses use social media to help people.According to,” Corporations and small businesses use social media to benefit themselves and consumers. This means that if there is a new business then they can use social media to talk with people and tell them to swing by. For example, if you were a new business owner then you can use social media and tell to get stuff. To elaborate on this is that because of how well social media is now to spread things.

    While social media is good for society, others may argue with the opposing viewpoint. Evidence found on maybe students who are heavy social media users have lower grades. what this means is students who use social media have Grade Point average of 3.06 while nonsocial media users have a Grade Point average of 3.82. For example, if one is using social media during studying it can make one not focused. To elaborate, while people use social media while studying can interfere by being 50% focused.

   In conclusion, many people have different opinions about the impacts on social media. Social media is good for society because of these three reasons. First social media is good because social media is the fastest way to spread the news. The second reason why social media is good is because It helps spread news about dangerous events. Lastly, social media is good because it can